Japan Parade Participation

Sign up now to be in the Japan Parade

On Saturday, May 14th, New York City will have the first ever Japan Parade, proceeding down Central Park West! JET alumni, family and friends are invited to be in the parade in two fun ways! The Parade is under a mile long.

Two fun options to join the parade!

Option 1: Dance

Have fun dancing four of the dances from the Gujo Odori Festival. Even if you missed the previous practices, you can still join! Sign up to get access to the dropbox to see videos of Monica & Christy explaining the dances along with links to performances in Japan. There will be a virtual practice Friday 5/6 at 7pm via zoom and an in-person practice Sunday 5/8 at 2pm (recommended but not required). Don't worry, you should be able to follow along with the group during the parade. This is all for fun and anyone can do it, no dance skills needed! Sign up to get more details.

Option 2: Carry Giant Flags

We need 20 JET alumni and friends to help carry the American and Japanese flags down the parade route. Everyone will have fun working together! Sign up to get more details.

Let others know you are going on Facebook: Event page.
Questions: Contact Monica via email.


All volunteers participating with JETAANY in the parade will get a FREE t-shirt. You will get your shirt at the baseball game or the day of the parade. You must pre-register below to get the shirt.

You are also welcome to wear Japanese festival attire, such as yukata, jinbel, happi coat or hachimaki.

Date: Saturday May 14th
Meeting time: 11am
Parade start: 1pm
Parade Route: Starts at 81st street and proceeds down Central Park West to 68th street.
Distance: 0.7 miles
Website: https://japandaynyc.org/parade/

Time: 1pm to 4pm
Location: 69th Street between Columbus and Central Park West


JETAANY Book Club: The Woman in the Purple Skirt


Practice Your Japanese at Nihongo Dake!