Why join JETAANY…
There are a range of reasons to join JETAANY. From simply making new friends with similar interests and a shared experience, and finding new social activities and hobbies in the New York area, through to professional reasons like building your network and expanding your skills and knowledge (as well as the option to volunteer in whatever capacity you would like!) It is also a fantastic way to stay connected to Japan, share your unique experiences and help give back to a program that has given its alumni so much. All it takes to join is simply signing up to the newsletter below. We welcome all friends of JET (FOJ) to sign up to our newsletter and join our events as well!
Sign up for JETAANY’s newsletter
Every month, JETAANY hosts multiple events of all kinds. Get-togethers at bars and restaurants, movie nights, our Nihongo Dake zoom calls, craft nights, as well as awesome chances to experience parts of Japanese culture right here in the Big Apple. Sign-up to our newsletter to learn more about upcoming JETAANY events, get involved in the community, and just to stay in "the know."