2/24 MOTHRA: The Last Train
JETAANY, JETAA Mid-South, and JETAA Texoma are co-sponsoring a virtual mothra event! Hannah from JETAA Texoma will be moderating the session.
MOTHRA is a storytelling event - open to JET alums and their friends to attend online (for free)! We are also looking for six JET alum presenters to share a five minute-ish story, from their time on JET, about the theme.
The theme for this event is: "The Last Train." You could share a story about dashing to catch the last train, hijinks taking place while on the last train, or the trials and tribulations that come from missing that ever so precious last train on a night out in Japan.
There will be short breaks between storytellers to relax, discuss, and chat as well.
Come - join - hangout and enjoy some JET story-swappin' goodness.
Here's the link to register and attend the event
We will follow-up if you'd also like to speak.