Nihongo Dake

Nihongo Dake
Date: Every Monday
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Details: JET alumni and friends please join us for a weekly Nihongo Dake Zoom chat.  We welcome native Japanese speaker to join! We’ll be splitting people into smaller chat-groups roughly based on language level, so come join in on the fun no matter your level. There’s no fee to participate, and feel free to leave the chat whenever or for whatever reason. However, if you would like to participate, please don’t be late.
How to join: Participants who confirmed on Facebook will get the Zoom link 10 min before the event
RSVPFacebook event page.  
Questions: contact Joe via email


JETAANY Cafe (weekly)


JET Alum Filmmaker Unveils ‘Nourishing Japan’ Feb. 20 in NYC