Netflix Party: Samurai Gourmet

Netflix Party: Samurai Gourmet
Date: Thursday, May 28th
Time: 8pm movie (log in 10 min early so we can start on time)
Details: In the comfort of your own home via Netflix Party!  We will be starting with episode FIVE of Samurai Gourmet together. If you missed the first party, there is time to catch up. You must be a Netflix subscriber to join this event. With the plug-in, we will be able to watch the show at the exact same time and type in a chat window to discuss.
How to join: Download Netflix Party (free) Chrome plug-in prior to the event. HERE
RSVPFacebook event page.  You must confirm (going/interested) via the Facebook event page or email Monica to get the party link
Questions: contact Monica Yuki via email


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