JETAANY Executive Officer Election 2020
Platformsfor JETAANY Executive Officers are due March 13th. if you have any questions
Are youinterested in getting involved with the JET Alumni Association in NewYork? JETAANY is looking for new leaders, organizers, and awesome alumnito help grow the chapter! We are accepting platforms on what makes you a goodcandidate and how you can take JETAANY to the next level.
Available positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
Positions are held for one year starting April1 and ending March 31 the following year. Position descriptions are on theJETAANY website.
If you wish to be considered for a JETAANYExecutive Officer position, send your platform to elections@jetaany.orgby March 13, 2020. In accordance with our bylaws, the selection ofexecutive officers will be made by the Board of Directorsbased on the platforms that are received. Results will be announced April 1,2020
- JET Program Alumnus
- Reside in the JETAA New York network (New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey)
- Your platform should be a Word file, Platform should be 1-page or less
- Share with us your JET history, what you believe will make you a great leader of the organization, and how your skills can benefit the alumni in the chapter.Include your JET history along with what will make you a great leader of the organization.
Not interested in an elected position, butstill want to lend your talents to support JETAANY? There are ampleopportunities to take an active role by helping to plan our larger events,including the pre-departure seminar, career forums, monthly meet-ups, nihongo-dakegatherings, karaoke nights, yukata crawls, book clubs, running club,sub-chapter meet-ups, craft and cooking nights, and much more!
And if you’re technically or organizationallygifted, we can always use your help with behind-the-scenes tasks like managingdatabases, grant writing, budgeting, designing programs, and keeping ourwebsite and social media up to date.
For all this, and more, please reach out toMonica Yuki at monica.yuki@jetaausa.comfrom the JETAANY Board of Directors.