JETAANY Nihongo Dojo (for alumni)

Hiya, area alumni! Are you looking to brush up on the Japanese that's started slipping away over time? Our new bimonthly course is tailored specifically for your needs, as overseen by the consummate language-teaching professional and fellow alumna, Sara Hamada! Her lessons are fun, informative, and provide a great chance for some networking to boot--and I speak from experience!

For $10 per lesson you attend (or $15 at the door if you don't pre-register), you can roll up to CLAIR NY and get back into the groove of speaking Japanese with ex-JET friends new and old. Attend each of the six lessons in the year, and earn a discount!

The first date is on August 8! 6:30 to 8:30 at the Japan Local Government Center / CLAIR's office in 3 Park Avenue!

(Other confirmed dates: Thursday, October 10)
(Dates very likely but not yet confirmed: December 12, February 27, April 24, June 25)

Click "Going" on the Facebook page (if you can:, and then please RSVP/ sign up through the form, linked below!

The cap is 20 people, so don't miss your spot!


(8/21) 2019 JETAANY Sunset Boat Cruise


7/29 July Book Club: Convenience Store Woman