(3/5) March Monthly Meetup (Details Coming Soon!)

When: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Cat cafe: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Dinner: 7:30pm-8:30pm

We’ll meet up at 6:30pm at Meow Parlour for some feline therapy and de-stressing and then have dinner nearby at Pho Grande for some delicious rice noodles. Feel free to join for either or both! Come join us for a fun night!

1) Meow Parlour (46 Hester Street in Manhattan)

2) Pho Grand (277C Grand St, New York, NY 10002)

Cost: Each person pays for their own food, drinks, and cat time

RSVP/Questions: Complete the Google Form by Monday, March 4, or email Andy at andyshartzer[at]gmail[dot]com to join last-minute!
Google Form: https://goo.gl/forms/JE4WFx0FleM8ghN63

**Important Info for Meow Parlor!**
If you are coming for the cat cafe portion, Please make your own reservation (Regular visit: $7 per person for 30 mins): https://www.meowparlour.com/reservation

B/c the max group size is 5 people, we will book for TWO timeslots: 6:30pm and 7pm. Please post in this event page which time you booked for so we make sure not to have more than 5 people in a timeslot.

Notes from Meow Parlour:
1) "Reservations are the only way to guarantee entry and we have a 20 minute grace period before we give your spot away."

2) "The maximum group size is 5 people. Parties that attempt to book more than 5 spots with separate bookings are at risk of having their reservation canceled without refund - including refusal at the door."

If you have any questions or need to change your RSVP, please email Andy at andyshartzer[at]gmail[dot]com. We hope to see you there!   


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